NAIFA Members Powerful Grassroots Message for Financial Security Hits Home

Members of NAIFA, the most influential association of insurance and financial professionals, are holding In-District Meetings with lawmakers to advocate for their businesses, clients, and communities.

Image of Georgio Salas By Georgio Salas.
Updated Aug 1, 2023

ARLINGTON, Va. (PRWEB) August 01, 2023 - Congress has begun its August recess, and members of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) are capitalizing on lawmakers annual working session in their home districts by meeting with their Representatives and Senators to strengthen grassroots relationships and discuss issues important to financial professionals and their clients.

NAIFA is the leading advocacy association of agents and advisors in the United States with members in every congressional district. August In-District Meetings are a key part of NAIFAs grassroots strategy, building on the May Congressional Conference that annually sends more than 500 financial professionals to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., and State Legislative Days held throughout the year.

NAIFA members work with Main Street Americans to help them mitigate financial risks, prepare for retirement, and establish and meet other financial goals, said NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux, CAE. They are entrepreneurs whose clients include families and other business owners. No one understands the finances and economic situation of their Main Street communities better than NAIFA members, so lawmakers are eager to draw on their expertise and hear their client stories.

Important issues that impact the ability of insurance and financial advisors to serve their clients, and which will be key points at NAIFAs in-district meetings, include:

NAIFA promotes in-district meetings between advisors and members of Congress to build and nurture grassroots relationships and maximize the influence of NAIFA members advocacy. In-district meetings will often have fewer time constraints than more formal meetings in Washington and allow participants to go into greater depth on issues that impact their clients and other consumers. They also demonstrate that NAIFA members are part of the local community and representative of the lawmakers constituents.

Agents and advisors who attend In-District Meetings not only help spread NAIFAs grassroots message to benefit their businesses and clients, but they see in person how our democracy works, said NAIFA Senior Vice President of Government Relations Diane Boyle. These meetings help NAIFA members develop relationships with lawmakers and become effective advocates. Those who participate in this and NAIFAs other grassroots events are likely to continue to be politically involved throughout their careers.

NAIFA fully prepares members to be the best political advocates they can be. Agents and advisors meet with lawmakers in small groups, so those who are less experienced are often teamed with grassroots advocacy veterans. NAIFA also offers all members the opportunity to complete the Financial Security Advocate Academy, a course that provides basic information on how government works up through advanced grassroots concepts. Members who complete the course earn their Financial Security Advocate badge, which is displayed on their public-facing NAIFA profile and social media.

Participating in NAIFAs August In-District Meetings is a great way to see first-hand the power of what NAIFA does. Financial professionals interested in taking part should contact NAIFA Grassroots Chair Andrew Holt at

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