New NPG Commentary and Advertisement Tackle the Need to Overhaul US Immigration Policies

Current Immigration Policies Are Behind US Population Growth

Image of Justin Johnson By Justin Johnson.
Updated Aug 9, 2022

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (PRWEB) August 09, 2022 - Negative Population Growth, Inc. has published a new commentary on immigration and placed a new advertisement in The Washington Times. The commentary, US Immigrant Population is at a Record High: Ending Remain in Mexico is Only Making It Worse! by Edwin S. Rubenstein, highlights the rapid population growth associated with immigration, and the advertisement asks President Biden to address current US immigration policies. While these two works are different in format, they both address the same topic: the recent surge in illegal border crossings.

The Commentary, penned by NPGs Director of Research, expresses dismay at the relentless, unending flow of immigrants into the United States, which is the ultimate driving force of population growth in this nation. Rubenstein puts forth fact after fact in this compact work focusing on current immigration numbers, sharing: An analysis of the Census Bureaus monthly Current Population Survey (CPS) shows that the foreign-born population (legal and illegal) in the US hit 47 million in April of 2022 a record high in American history. He also highlights: While total US population growth has slowed, the immigrant share is galloping ahead.

After speaking on Remain in Mexico and the emergency health rule Title 42, Rubenstein notes that even while they were still in place, more than 800,000 migrants have been released into the country (since Biden took office) to wait out their immigration cases, which can take years. Adding: The dramatic growth of the foreign-born population since December 2020 is the direct result of those policy choices. The commentary closes with Rubensteins correct assessment of our collective future: As a nation, we simply must be able to enforce immigration laws and stop playing games of interpretation with each change in the controlling political party. Our only chance to truly preserve our nation for future generations is to reach smaller, truly sustainable population levels; to get there, we must have realistic conversations about reducing immigration rates and ending the insane policy of catch and release, which has become much too common.

The advertisement in The Washington Times on August 3rd, also grapples with US immigration policies, this time in the form of a letter to the President from NPG. Swan-diving directly into the heart of the matter, NPG implores President Biden and his administration to amend the immigration policies that do a disservice to the American public by passively allowing non-compliance from immigrants traveling illegally across the southern border. An excerpt from the text illustrates NPGs unwavering stance on the issue: Negative Population Growth, Inc. believes that legal immigration should be capped at no more than 200,000 annually. We further believe that by enforcing all immigration laws currently on the books and by adopting a zero-tolerance policy toward illegal entry and occupancy illegal immigration can be almost entirely stopped.

The advertisement ends noting NPGs founding and purpose: Negative Population Growth, Inc. was founded in 1972 to educate all Americans, including our nations political, academic, and media leaders, regarding the need for policies designed to slow, halt, and eventually reverse population growth. Understanding that the majority of our population growth since about 1970 is a result of lax immigration policies and the offspring of recent immigrants, NPG must take a firm position on this.

Founded in 1972, NPG is a national nonprofit membership organization dedicated to educating the American public and political leaders regarding the damaging effects of population growth. We believe that our nation is already vastly overpopulated in terms of the long-range carrying capacity of its resources and environment. NPG advocates the adoption of its Proposed National Population Policy, with the goal of eventually stabilizing U.S. population at a sustainable level far lower than todays. We do not simply identify the problems we propose solutions. For more information, visit our website at, follow us on Facebook @NegativePopulationGrowth or follow us on Twitter @npg_org.

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