Corra Group Expands Employment Screening for Companies Recruiting Foreign Workers

As the need increases for foreign workers, Corra Group is expanding its services to provide for its clients a full complement of employment screening background checks in most countries.

Image of Samantha Herron By Samantha Herron.
Updated Jan 24, 2022

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. (PRWEB) January 24, 2022 - To meet the increased needs of its clients, Corra Group is expanding its international employment screening services so it provides a full range of background checks in most countries. The El Segundo, California headquartered background checking company can provide a complements of background checks to assist its clients in determining the quality of validity of their foreign employment candidates.

'Once upon a time, companies took the candidates at their word,' said Corra Group Co-Founder, Gordon Basichis. 'A candidate would claim a college degree or maintain he had no negative criminal or civil history and all was right with the world. But as time moves on and the need grows for foreign workers, some recruiters find those claims are not necessarily the case.

'Corra Group can provide a full range of international background checks for an employment screening package,' said Basichis. 'These searches can include criminal and civil history, employment verification, and perhaps most importantly, education verification. Where candidates can mostly resort to fiction is in their claiming degrees at universities and colleges that they were only enrolled in for a limited time, or, in some cases, where they never went near the school.'

Basichis cautioned that with the COVID surges and incumbent labor shortages the turnaround times for background checks in most countries are slower than previously. He noted that law enforcement and civil agencies are experiencing disruptions and schools are closed for periods of times and less accessible.

'The great demand from companies hiring foreign workers is for international criminal background checks,' said Basichis. 'That's the most sensitive issue, followed by the need for international education verification, before a company represents that candidate as having the necessary skills sets required for production or for client interface.

''Hiring candidates for technology jobs,' is the most prominent need for global recruitment,' said Basichis. 'But there are also many financial jobs that need to be filled by qualified candidates with with specific skill sets and global backgrounds. These are the sectors where foreign applicants are most in demand.'

Basichis noted that whatever the need, whatever the case, Corra Group will prove cost effective with its international employment screening services. He claimed there are very few countries where Corra Group does not have access.

'I think it's fair to say we are now providing a full complement of background checks, and that we service the world.'

Corra Group specializes in employment screening, corporate research and due diligence. Check out Corra Group at

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