First Dollar Launches Partner App to Streamline HSA Administration

The application enables partners to manage the benefits they have built on First Dollars Platform

Image of Sarah Bendorf By Sarah Bendorf.
Updated Jun 28, 2022

AUSTIN, Texas (PRWEB) June 28, 2022 - First Dollar, the health wallet for modern, member-first plans, announced the launch of their Partner application that enables their partners to manage the benefits they administer with First Dollar, provide exceptional customer service, and track customer money movement. First Dollar gave their partners exclusive access to the Partner application on June 17th.

The First Dollar Partner application allows partners to manage the benefits they have built on its platform, giving them access to choose which products they want to implement. Now customers also have the ability to create custom roles within the application that align to their unique organization. This provides them the flexibility to use the Partner application for customer success teams, accounting teams, and more.

The ability to quickly and easily gather data on the use of benefits on a customer by customer basis means our partners have complete visibility into their benefits utilization, said Jason Bornhorst, co-Founder and CEO of First Dollar. This means our partners can dig into things like how many users are contributing to their HSAs. Folks who actually use their benefits, not surprisingly, are happy. Benefit utilization and customer satisfaction (measured by NPS) are tied at the hip.

With the Partner application, First Dollar is demystifying the Customer Identification Process (CIP) by giving partners unprecedented transparency into the process and remediation. With the ability to view CIP status and documents needed for remediation, First Dollar's partners can quickly solve CIP issues and get customers up and running.

Other notable features include partners being able to impersonate users, obtain reporting on CIP status across customer types, contributions, investments, and so much more. Partners can also easily access data on banking functions such as ACH movements, settlement accounts, etc.

By allowing us to administer their HSA accounts, our partners and by extension, their customers have placed a significant amount of trust in First Dollar, said Colin Anawaty, co-Founder and CPO of First Dollar. With the First Dollar Partner App, we are proud to offer our partners the best tools for managing their accounts and functions on the First Dollar platform.

The First Dollar Partner Application is currently only available to First Dollar partners and customers including third-party administrators (TPAs), people software, and Health Plans.

About First Dollar

First Dollar is the health wallet for modern, member-driven plans. We power software-defined benefits that people love to use. From HSAs and FSAs to prepaid grocery and Rx programs, our payments infrastructure supports tax-advantaged accounts, supplemental benefits, and whatever you dream up next.

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