Survey Reveals 43 Percent of Companies Will Use AI Interviews by 2024

Majority believes that AI will increase hiring efficiency, and eventually replace human hiring managers

Image of Maria Kingston By Maria Kingston.
Updated Jun 12, 2023

SEATTLE (PRWEB) June 12, 2023 -, the premier resource for professional resume templates and career advice, has published a recent survey report that examines the usage of AI interviews in company hiring processes. The report also shares insight into the potential consequences of AI interviews. Overall, 1,013 hiring managers or people involved in hiring decisions completed the full survey.

According to survey results, 10 percent of companies currently use AI interviews, 17 percent plan to start AI interviews this year, and 17 percent plan to start AI interviews in 2024. Thirty-two percent of respondents say their company does not have plans to start AI interviews, and over 20 percent are unsure of company plans for AI interviews. With regards to when AI interviews take place in the hiring process, 65 percent say AI interviews serve as an early screening tool, 17 percent say AI interviews are the only step in the process, and 14 percent say AI interviews are the last step in the process.

Among the 43 percent of respondents who say their company will be using AI interviews by 2024, 15 percent say that AI will be used to make hiring decisions on candidates without any human input. Conversely, 85 percent say that AI will provide recommendations on candidates, and humans will still make the final hiring decisions. Although 65 percent of respondents believe AI interviews increase hiring efficiency, 79 percent say it is very or somewhat likely that AI interviews screen out worthy candidates more frequently than human interviewers.

The poll referenced in this release was commissioned by and conducted online by SurveyMonkey on June 1, 2023. Respondents consisted of a national sample of 2,286 employed Americans aged 18 to 64. Respondents were screened to ensure they were either a hiring manager with primary responsibilities or someone involved in hiring decisions but is not a primary decision maker. The combined incidence rate was 47 percent and 1,013 respondents completed the full survey. To view the complete report, please visit

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