Virtual Vocations Names Top 25 Fortune 500 Companies for Remote Jobs

A new report from one of the webs leading remote job boards unveils the top Fortune 500 companies for 100% remote jobs.

Image of Devon Walls By Devon Walls.
Updated Jun 28, 2022

TUCSON, Ariz. (PRWEB) June 28, 2022 - A new report from Virtual Vocations puts the spotlight on 25 of the biggest remote enabled companies in the nation.

Founded in 2007, Virtual Vocations is a family-owned, 100% virtual company that has worked to connect jobseekers with legitimate remote job openings from expert-vetted employers for the last 15 years.

In its latest report, Virtual Vocations shares which companies on this years Fortune 500 List rose to the top of the pack for making the highest number of fully remote jobs available to jobseekers.

According to Virtual Vocations CEO and co-founder Laura Spawn, the report aims to uncover which of the biggest companies in America are stepping up to prioritize flexibility as more jobseekers demand permanent remote work arrangements.

While no one could argue the financial prowess of the Fortune 500, we wondered how successful these companies are at attracting modern workers seeking flexibility from their careers, Spawn said. In our most recent survey of U.S. workers, we learned todays jobseekers want remote jobs that will allow them to work from home 100% of the time. Could the Fortune 500 deliver? The answer was a resounding yes.

The top 25 remote enabled companies on Fortunes 2022 ranking of America's biggest businesses represent 10 highly sought-after career fields, including healthcare, information technology, telecommunications, social media, and retail.

More than half a dozen businesses named on Virtual Vocations new list of the Top 25 Remote Enabled Fortune 500 Companies also ranked among Virtual Vocations Top 100 Companies to Watch for Remote Jobs in 2022. Those included:

To learn more about Virtual Vocations and see the full list of top remote enabled companies on the 2022 Fortune 500 list, visit:

ABOUT VIRTUAL VOCATIONS Founded in 2007 by CEO Laura Spawn and her brother, CTO Adam Stevenson, Virtual Vocations is a small company with a big mission: to connect jobseekers with legitimate remote job openings. To date, Virtual Vocations has helped more than four million jobseekers in their quests for flexible, remote work.

In addition to providing a database of current, hand-screened, and 100% remote job openings, Virtual Vocations offers jobseekers a number of tools to aid in their job searches, including exclusive e-courses and downloadable content, and resum writing services. Virtual Vocations also releases several data-driven reports each year on current trends in remote work.

Virtual Vocations, Inc. is a private, family-owned, and 100% virtual company incorporated in Tucson, Arizona.

PRESS INQUIRIES Kimberly Back kim(at)virtualvocations(dot)com

Ashley Skerritt ashley(at)virtualvocations(dot)com

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