Aespire Celebrates 25 Years of Branding, Design, Marketing Excellence

The Ohio-based branding company announces its 25th anniversary and celebrates its proven history of helping businesses build purpose-driven brands that empower, equip, and enrich peoples lives.

Image of Cindi Choi By Cindi Choi.
Updated Jun 16, 2021

SHEFFIELD VILLAGE, Ohio (PRWEB) June 16, 2021 - Brian Sooy, founder and president of Aespire, an Ohio-based branding firm, has announced that the company is celebrating its 25th year of business.

According to the company, Aespire has a long, proven history of helping businesses build purpose-driven brands that empower, equip, and enrich peoples lives. While Aespire works with a variety of organizations, the company specializes in B2B and B2C multi-generational family businesses.

For 25 years, weve built deep connections with leaders and organizations that are invested in creating meaning for their companies and their communities, said Sooy. We provide our clients with more than great branding; we help them improve the people and places they serve, setting them up for success both now and in the future.

In addition to his Aespire role, Sooy is the author of several business books, including Raise Your Voice: A Cause Manifesto, 'The Gift of Small Potatoes: How a Culture of Generosity Empowers Mission-Driven Brands to Win Trust, Earn Loyalty, and Unlock Abundance,' and 'Essential: Finding Worth in Your Work During Uncertain Times.'

Sooy is also a Certified Brand Strategist and StoryBrand Certified Guide.

Sooy works alongside his wife and business partner, Lisa Sooy. Together, they are a collaborative agency, teaming up with contractors and partners to deliver brand strategy, design, and marketing services to their clients around the region and the country. Over the years, the company has worked with a variety of organizations, from local change-makers to household brands. In particular, Aespire propels forward regionally-based national businesses like Electronic Merchant Systems and their Total Touch POS product.

Point of sale systems is a crowded market, and Aespire was the ideal partner to ensure our brand, messaging, and marketing separates us from the pack, said Merrell Sheehan, Vice President, Marketing of EMS. Aespire understands that a brand is more than a logo; the strategy they create with us has a far-reaching impact for the company, our dealers, and their customers.

Since inception, Aespire, the Sooys, and their family of brands have been leading the way in helping organizations find clarity and make an impact. Their additional businesses include Altered Ego Fonts, a digital type foundry focused on creating typefaces that make words beautiful and books easier to read; My Lasting Legacy, an entity that exclusively supports Community Foundations; Aespire Websites Made Simple, an easy-to-use website builder; and EntreWorship, which offers resources for faith-driven professionals.

Brian Sooy was one of the Top 100 Marketing Influencers to Follow in 2020, according to

About Aespire In a world where company values matter to consumers as much as products, many companies struggle to create meaning for their brand and connection with consumers. Aespire helps B2B and B2C businesses build purpose-driven brands that empower, equip, and enrich peoples lives through strategy, design, and the StoryBrand marketing framework. Companies that choose Aespire make smarter marketing decisions, reduce sales costs, and grow their business. For more information, visit Aespire on their website. To request Brian Sooy as a speaker, click here.

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