Emerging Franchise Happy Joes Prepares for Expansion with Strategic Redesign by Harrison

Through its strategic storytelling approach, Harrison is tasked to create a look and feel that connects Happy Joes nostalgic 49-year-long past with elements of todays dining and eatertainment venues. With plans to expand across the U.S. and beyond, Harrison will also keep growth top-of-mind in order to create a brand design that can easily go anywhere.

Image of Dana Cone By Dana Cone.
Updated Jun 28, 2022

Popular family-centric pizza concept selects award-winning architecture and design firm for creation of new brand design

Bettendorf, IA  (RestaurantNews.com)  Happy Joe’s Pizza & Ice Cream has chosen to partner with global design consultant firm Harrison to utilize its award-winning strategic branding, interior design and architectural expertise to create a new image and brand design for the family-centric concept, in preparation for expansion.

Through its strategic storytelling approach, Harrison is tasked to create a look and feel that connects Happy Joe’s nostalgic 49-year-long past with elements of today’s dining and “eatertainment” venues. With plans to expand across the U.S. and beyond, Harrison will also keep growth top-of-mind in order to create a brand design that can easily go anywhere.

“Happy Joe’s is an iconic brand based in the Midwest that will be celebrating its 50th anniversary next year,” said Tom Sacco, Happy Joe’s CEO, president and chief happiness officer. “I see the new design as the launching pad to the next 50 years of Happy Joe’s growth, across the U.S. and globally. Afterall, being ‘happy’ isn’t just an American characteristic. We plan on bringing Happy Joe’s to cities around the world starting in Cairo, Egypt, and there’s no one we’d rather have supporting us on this journey than Harrison.”

The new design is slated to debut in Happy Joe’s home state of Iowa in 2022. It will also be executed in several upcoming openings and will be available for new franchisees to implement moving forward.

“We’re excited to have been chosen to be part of the repositioning of such an iconic brand,” said Keith Anderson, COO of Harrison. “Happy Joe’s is full of history and spirit, which is going to make the creation of this new prototype a lot of fun. We see a lot of potential to expand Happy Joe’s throughout the U.S. and globally, and we’re honored to get to help them achieve this growth.”

To learn more about Happy Joe’s franchise opportunities, email Kat Davidson at KatD@drhnow.com or call 678.485.8413.

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